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  • CoD – MW 2 und Left 4 Dead 2 vorläufig auf dem Index
Date: 01.12.2009 - 15:06

Wie die Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien (kurz BpjM) bekannt gab, wurden die internationalen Fassungen der beiden Shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 und Left 4 Dead 2 vorläufig in die Liste jugendgefährdender Medien aufgenommen.

Spätestens seit Amokläufe und gefährliche Gewaltausbrüche der Jugendlichen deutlich in den deutschen Medien präsent sind und konservative Stimmen diese Taten mit so genannten Killerspielen in Verbindung bringen, haben es Ego-Shooter sichtlich schwer in Deutschland.

Nachdem bereits durch die Bundesprüfstelle insgesamt mehr als 600 Spiele auf den Index verbannt wurden, hat es nun zwei aktuelle Verkaufsschlager getroffen. Wie es die BPjM am heutigen Dienstag öffentlich bekannt gab, wurde die EU-Ausgabe von Left 4 Dead 2 und die US-Version von Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 vorläufig indiziert.

Die deutschen Versionen der beiden Spiele sind von der Indizierung durch die BpjM vorerst nicht betroffen, da diese bereits vor der Markteinführung einer grundlegenden Zensur unterlagen. Denjenigen Gamern jedoch, die von einer geschnittenen Version absehen und die unzensierte Fassung der beiden Shooter spielen möchten, wird offensichtlich ein Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht. Die unzensierten Versionen werden nur noch unter dem Ladentisch verkauft werden, da der Verkauf dieser Fassungen nun verboten ist.

Die Bundesprüfstelle teilte mit, dass in kommenden Wochen bezüglich der Zensurmaßnahmen noch grundlegende Entscheidungen gefällt werden. Man werde sich für eine endgültige Entscheidung Zeit lassen. Spätestens bis dahin dürfen die indizierten Versionen nicht mehr frei verkauft und beworben werden. Was die endgültige Entscheidung der Bundesprüfstelle angeht, wird eine spätere Beschlagnahmung der betroffenen Spiele nicht ausgeschlossen.



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#3 by 15.10.2010 - 14:24
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Grave: I'm always trying to improve." That statement is so common in today's Arena it is really irritating to hear. You hear people say "I played the best I possibly could, nothing I wow po could have wow gold done better. 2500-2900 rated players usually surround me and the majority of them carry this attitude. .
WoW Insider: How do you schedule your playtime? Do you try and work during "good times to queue?" Is this different now than in previous seasons?

Grave: I have every single key bound. Call me crazy but I've come close to binding Hearthstone. It's a good habit to get into, keeps my eyes on what's going on instead of a cursor to click things. .
Grave: Since I'm the DPS, I'm usually calling the shots. I call when I swap, I call when I'm going in for a kill or burst. I keep voice activation on my microphone so I can call everything I'm doing. Literally everything. My partners play off me. .
Grave: There are always multiple tactics to use. Some are better then others after you find out with enough practice. We also tend to tweak our strategy depending on the actual person playing. It may be a Rogue and Priest we know and we know they play in a certain way. We may also encounter a known Rogue or Priest with different people and we tweak are strategy because we are familiar with how they play. .

WoW Insider: A lot has been made of healers not having a strong role in Season 5. What do you think about that commentary?

WoW Insider: What's the key for your composition's strategy? Are there multiple tactics you can use?

We are still adapting some game plans against certain teams. As a whole though, we generally have a winning chance against every team we face, we never really get blown out of the water. Consistency might be our biggest struggle, hopefully that smoothes out with enough practice and patients. The only real struggle we seem to have had is against select few Priest/Rogues, DK/Druids with a few other exceptions. .

WoW Insider: What's breitling replica your opening strategy? What do you like to do as soon as the gate opens?

WoW Insider: You hear a lot about clicking versus binding. Which skills do you still click, which do you tend to bind?

Generally, our strategy has been running the other opponents out of resources (ie: OOM). Running a JotW paladin means we can usually take advantage of the mana regeneration and out last the other team.

Grave: Currently, I am only taking 2s competitively right now. I am still in the middle of sorting out a 3v3. Since I'm an Unholy DK currently under alias Grave - we run DK/Holy paladin in 2v2. One of the most underrated things you can have in this game is synergy. My current 2v2 partner is a Holy Paladin by the name of Nerflol. He is a real life friend of mine, and we have been building synergy together for a while. Sometimes you mesh well with your partners, other times no matter what you do you just can't make it work together. I have no plans to run a 5v5 since it usually ends up being a bunch of bloodlusted chickens with their heads cut off running around hitting all of 3 buttons. .
Check out the full interview after the cut.

WoW Insider: What signals to you that you need to radically change strategy midmatch? (And how do you accomplish that change?)

WoW Insider: What are you hoping to see improved in 3.1.2? We've seen some changes, obviously, but there's more to come. .
He could have been focused on things like "Death Grip's awesome, and I use it against casters." Instead, Grave echoed many of the most important sentiments we here from many successful fighters. Synergy, coordination, and communication are the hallmarks that Grave recommends. .
Grave: A DPS will always only be as good as his healer. You either keep them alive or they die and you typically lose. Although melee tends to scale better than healers, healers are equally if not more important in today's day and age. You carry an underlying pressure of not letting people die. There will always be times a DPS can't kill a player, but you don't get second chances at a healer. I think in a perfect world, a healer is more important and is harder to be the best at. This has been this way since Season 1. You see less and less of them, and the good ones are rare to come by. .
Grave: Well, we have been playing together for a while now, and generally as soon as Gladius shows us what we are up against, we generally both already have a game plan in mind.
Grave: I'm assuming Ret Paladins, Death Knights, and Rogues are next on the chopping blocks for more nerfs, tweaks, or whatever you want to call them.

I know that more than a few of us have no interest in hearing from another Death Knight. It's with that thought in mind that I found what Gladiator Grave had to say interesting. While the class dominated Season 5, and still seems strong in Season 6, we should remember that few successful Death Knights started the Arena with the opening of Wrath of the Lich King. .

Grave: Biggest difference between the 1500-2000 and 2100-2800 ratings is probably what we talked about earlier. Being situationally aware, being able to adapt to strategy (there is no set strategy in arena). If you don't do these things, it leads to excessive tunnel vision and not enough swapping. .

Grave: You really have to have a good knowledge of the game and all classes when stepping into Arena. Watch for big cooldowns, like Pain Suppression, Iceblock, Trinket etc. If you wow emblem can catch someone in a bad spot with no trinket, you know he is going to have to eat what you feed him. You need to know what other classes are capable of and usually how they respond to your attacks. So as for tools to be able to see how to change your strategy, it usually comes between knowledge of the classes and ability to be situationally aware. If a healer uses his trinket, odds are you know your CC is going to land, and you can then blow offensive CDs to go for the kill. They are all important to note when they are used. .
WoW Insider: What's been the biggest change in your strategy between each bracket of ratings? (1500s, 1600s) Is there a big change for this season?
To be blunt, it's a piss poor attitude. There is always room to improve in something so dynamic. We are very level headed and never really get worked up or yell about a kill or a death. I think gold jewelry this has been a big attribute to Nerflol's success and my own. Most of the players genuinely think they are the best at what they do. While they may be good, we are all human and nobody plays perfect 100% of the time. After a loss, we usually evaluate what happened, what mistakes did we make ourselves, what do we think our partners could do better? .

WoW Insider: What are you trying to improve?
WoW Insider: How do you work out target designation? (Does someone call it out, or is everyone on their own to figure it out?)

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator (Brutal, Vengeful, Merciless, and otherwise), to interview some of the top Arena fighters in the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Netherdrakes.
There is not an outline of what we should accomplish against a certain group composition. If someone used a long and important cooldown early or when he shouldn't have, we will get on them accordingly and punish them for it. I'll get on the most efficient target under the circumstances. If someone overextended, we get on him. Many people fail to realize that arena is dynamic and is always changing. We don't say "I'm on X, you get Y," and tunnel vision them the whole game. I swap probably 20-30 times in a 5 minute match. .
If we don't make the healer go OOM, usually our games end in us catching someone that overextended and both DPS to get a gib. I don't think anyone enjoys spending 10-15 minutes in the same game. Personally, I prefer to play aggressive since it's more fun to have a faster paced game. .

WoW Insider: Who are your teammates right now? What's the general plan behind your composition? What challenges does your team have?

Something I'm trying to improve on as a Death Knight is my rune and runic power management. Overall, carrying the mentality that you "can't win them all" is something I think everyone still needs to work on. While I think I'm seasoned (having played a rogue/warrior for many seasons) at resource management, the DK system is relatively complex to perfect. .

Grave: I'm currently a Senior at Penn State as a Finance major. Depends on who we queue against, how we are playing/feeling etc. We are both pretty busy with college, but we find time. Usually we play 3-5 times a week in 3-8 hour sittings. We've been on this schedule as long as I can remember playing in Season 1. My partner Nerflol also attends Penn State University. We like to play on Tuesdays or early in the week before people are sitting on their games. .
Some things are good how they are, others are imbalanced, while others are bvlgari replica underpowered. I think Blizzard so far is taking the right approach with things like the Juggernaut nerf. Once you've established a fair playing field for PvP, you can then tweak bosses accordingly by adding/removing HP, Adds, etc. It is always a struggle to find the perfect median between all classes for relative balance. I never understood their logic in having a PvE game, and balancing the PvP around it. Instead of removing the ability or changing it completely, just tone it down a notch and see where that places them. It is much easier to change a PvE encounter/boss then it is to tweak a class. I personally would like to see Blizzard make the game 100% PvP based. Spend all their resources balancing around PvP and acheter wow gold the arena. PvE is much more static and easier to change with constant values.

#2 by hfghgfhh 12.04.2010 - 07:10
  offline IP: saved quote

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#1 by -eQ!- 01.12.2009 - 17:17
  Germany - Bayern email offline quote

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